core team
adults (21 & over) // forming teens
request mentorship
Fill out our request form on the bottom of this page.
Let us know which small group you are in.
Choose a core member or young apostle to meet with.
pair with your mentor
We will process your form and have your mentor reach out to you at our next Youth Group.
We will notify you if there are any changes needed.
schedule a time to meet
Find a time that works for both of you best.
This can be any time outside of youth group.
Meet before or after Youth Group, or even off site. Up to you!
confirm plans with a parent
Your core member or young apostle must confirm the plans for mentoring before the meeting can occur.
Your given contact information will be shared with them.
meet for mentoring
Use a mentorship guide to organize your meeting.
You should meet for under an hour.
Request any guide topics that you'd like.
schedule your next meeting
If you enjoyed your mentoring meeting then plan another.
You do not need to re-request mentoring. Just schedule it directly with your mentor.
No need to meet more than once a month.
Establish which topic you'd like to discuss next.
mandatory reporting
Anything shared by a teen in terms of harm must be reported:
// Harm to themselves //
// Harm done to them //
// Harm they are doing to someone //
We are required to report any of these circumstances to the authorities within 24 hours.