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youth group

sundays / 5-7pm
st. augustine hall

Bringing teens into a community that challenges, uplifts, & forms them to be followers of Christ

year one teens

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who comes to youth group?

Beginning their journey to Confirmation, these teens are in their first year of preparation

year two teens

Completing their journey to Confirmation, these teens have one more year to prepare

confirmed teens

These teens continue to join us for additional formation and community

visiting teens

High school aged friends, coworkers, and family are always more than welcomed to join us



Games or activities aimed at introducing the topic that we will be looking at for the night


Talks that takes our topic for the night and make them approachable and livable in every day life


Small groups providing time for discussion about our topic for the night and how to live it


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WHAT does youth group look like?

Time in prayer and reflection to see how the Lord is leading us to live our topic for the night



year one & Two teens must attend each youth group


No refunds will be issued within two weeks of the first day of scheduled classes

Last Refunds on August 25th



All teens are required to be registered to attend Youth Group

Your family must be registered at a parish within the Archdiocese of Atlanta

rates per child

Early Bird: $80
The last day to register with this rate is June 30th
The rate increases to $110 on July 1st

Child of Catechist: $40
This rate is available for those who assist in teaching our children at any Faith Formation grade level

Scholarship: $40 (Half) & $5 (Full)
This rate requires prior approval - reach out to Kevin Conner before registering
If you register without approval we will refund your registration and ask you to re-register 
The half scholarship rate increases to $55 on July 1st

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