core team
adults (21 & over) // forming teens
june 23-27
benedictine college | atchison, kansas
A week of dynamic and impactful talks, activities, and prayer to grow as leaders.
for juniors and seniors only
Meet other teens from across the country who are committed to living a life of discipleship.
Hear talks and discuss as a parish how to better lead within our homes, schools, and parishes.
Spend each day living into a routine of prayer and entering into the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation.
Monday, June 23
We will leave early in the morning to fly to Kansas City.
A parent will usually drive us to the airport.
A shuttle will then take us to Benedictine when we arrive in Kansas.
Friday, June 27
After the conference ends we will have an evening flight back to Atlanta.
A shuttle will take us back to the airport.
A parent usually picks us up when we arrive back in Atlanta.
lodging and food
All teens will stay in the dorms on campus.
A bed and desk are provided, and bathrooms are either private or communal, depending on the dorm. We won't know until we arrive.
All meals are eaten at the dining hall on campus.
Meals during travel will be covered for all teens.
cost and fundraising
Teens will be responsible for the cost of travel.
In years past this has come out to be anywhere from $300-$400.
The cost of the conference will be fundraised.
This comes out to be about $600 of fundraising per teen.
This year we will have one group fundraiser: St. Monica's Got Talent.
The remaining cost will be fundraised by teens individually.
We will help your teen to complete this fundraising.
support a teen attending
Each teen is responsible for fundraising a portion of the cost for this conference. If you would like to support a teen attending, you can do so using the form linked below: